Terms and Conditions

Booking and Reservation Process:

- Clients must initiate contact through the website to inquire about a photoshoot.

- Availability will be communicated via email.

- 100% payment is necessary to book the photoshoot.

- By booking, the client automatically accepts the terms and conditions.

- Booking is contingent upon availability.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy:

- Cancellations made 2 weeks in advance are eligible for a full refund. Cancellations made 1 week in advance will receive a 50% refund. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made later than 1 week.

- Rescheduling is only possible if the photographer's schedule permits and must be requested at least 3 days in advance. Rescheduling is at the discretion of the photographer.

- Cancellation due to weather is considered a standard cancellation. While efforts will be made to reschedule based on availability, it is not guaranteed.

Payment Terms:

- Payments are accepted via Paypal, Credit Card, Google Pay, or Apple Pay.

- Booking is not guaranteed until payment is confirmed.

- 100% payment is required to secure the booking.

Photoshoot Details:

- SOLO, COUPLE, and FAMILY packages are available, each with varying durations and prices. Please see the pricing page for more details.

- Photos will be delivered via Google Drive, with a provided link. The photos will be hosted for 1 month, during which clients can freely download them.

Locations and Travel Fees:

- Prices are applicable within Tokyo only. Additional fees apply for transportation and accommodation if the location is outside Tokyo.

Copyright and Usage Rights:

- Copyright belongs to Thierry Gibralta and FUN Creative G.K.

- Clients agree to the use of images for Social Media, Personal use, and Commercial Use. However, commercial use by clients is prohibited, and licensing fees will be due if such use occurs.

Model Release:

- Clients provide consent to use their images for promotional purposes or in the photographer's portfolio.

- Client privacy will be respected, and no identifying information (such as names) will be disclosed without consent.

Liability and Indemnity:

- The photographer disclaims any liability for injuries, damages, or losses that occur during the photoshoot. Clients participate at their own risk.

Client Responsibility:

- Clients must be punctual, and the photographer is not obliged to delay the photoshoot for late arrivals.

- Clients must exhibit appropriate behavior and respect during communication and the photoshoot. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of the photoshoot without reimbursement.

- Clients must provide accurate information. Failure to do so may result in additional fees or the cancellation of the photoshoot without refund.

- Clients are responsible for downloading the photos within the hosting month. Failure to do so may result in additional fees to access the photos.

Force Majeure:

- In the event of unforeseeable circumstances beyond the photographer's control (e.g., natural disasters, acts of terrorism), resulting in the cancellation of the photoshoot, a refund will be issued.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

- These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Japan.

Changes to Terms and Conditions:

- The photographer reserves the right to update or modify the terms and conditions. Clients will be informed of any changes.